Tamsin- Flute, whistles, accordion
Rowen- Violin, guitar, percussion
Alex- Guitar

Somos ~SOLANA~

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Tocamos música celta, de Francia, Inglaterra, el este de Europa, y más….con violín, flautas, acordeón, guitarra y percusión… Jugamos con los ritmos, improvisamos, y nos divertimos…

Formed in Valencia (Spain) in late summer 2012, Solana quickly rose to success and have been playing packed out gigs in the city’s bars and social centres ever since. Flutes, violin, guitars, accordion and various kinds of percussion make up Solana’s sound. They recorded their first studio album in November 2012 with Proyecto Simbiosis, Valencia.

While a healthy dose of Celtic sound may hint at their French and English origins, Solana’s music has evolved to encompass influences from around the world. Latin American and Eastern European rhythms, African guitar lines and a more recent Moroccan adventure have all lent their energies to the mix. This fusion of roots styles and elements of individual creativity create an atmosphere which is both intimate and familiar, mysterious and foreign..

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